027大大发给我的源码,论坛应该吃掉了一部分,仅作参考。。。- function unnamed(kfid)
- local pid=WAR.Person[WAR.CurID][人物编号]
- local kungfuid=JY.Person[pid][武功..kfid]
- local kungfulv=JY.Person[pid][武功等级 .. kfid];
- if kungfulv==999 then
- kungfulv=11
- else
- kungfulv=math.modf(kungfulv/100)+1
- end
- --local kungfulv=math.modf(JY.Person[pid][武功等级..kfid]/100)+1
- local m1,m2,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5= refw(kungfuid,kungfulv)
- local mfw={m1,m2}
- local atkfw={a1,a2,a3,a4,a5}
- if kungfulv==11 then kungfulv=10 end
- local kungfuatk=JY.Wugong[kungfuid][攻击力..kungfulv]--GetAtk(pid,kungfuid,kungfulv) --武功攻击力
- --local fanwei=JY.Wugong[kungfuid][范围][math.modf(kungfulv/3)+1] --实际武功范围
- local atkarray={}
- local num=0
- CleanWarMap(4,-1); --用level 4地图表示该位置可以攻击的数目
- -- -1表示此点还没计算
- local movearray=War_CalMoveStep(WAR.CurID,WAR.Person[WAR.CurID][移动步数],0) --移动表
- --WarDrawMap(1)
- --ShowScreen()
- local starttime=lib.GetTime();
- --lib.Delay(400)
- for i=0,WAR.Person[WAR.CurID][移动步数] do
- local step_num=movearray[i].num ;
- if step_num==nil or step_num==0 then
- break;
- end
- for j=1,step_num do
- local xx=movearray[i].x[j]
- local yy=movearray[i].y[j]
- num=num+1
- atkarray[num]={}
- atkarray[num].x,atkarray[num].y=xx,yy
- atkarray[num].p,atkarray[num].ax,atkarray[num].ay=GetAtkNum(xx,yy,mfw,atkfw,kungfuatk)
- atkarray[num].p=atkarray[num].p*5/(3+math.max(i,2))
- end
- end
- --排序
- for i=1,num-1 do
- for j=i+1,num do
- if atkarray[i].patkarray[j].p then
- atkarray[i],atkarray[j]=atkarray[j],atkarray[i]
- end
- end
- end
- --[[
- for i=1,num do
- lib.Debug(JY.Person[pid][姓名]..'|'..JY.Wugong[kungfuid][名称]..'|'..atkarray[i].x..','..atkarray[i].y..'|'..atkarray[i].ax..','..atkarray[i].ay..'|'..atkarray[i].p)
- end
- ]]--
- if atkarray[1].p0 then
- for i=1,num do
- if atkarray[i].p==0 or atkarray[i].patkarray[1].p/2 then
- num=i-1
- break;
- end
- end
- for i=1,num do
- atkarray[i].p=atkarray[i].p+GetMovePoint(atkarray[i].x,atkarray[i].y)--string.format(%s,mxy:%d,%d|axy:%d,%d|point:%d)
- end
- for i=1,num-1 do
- for j=i+1,num do
- if atkarray[i].patkarray[j].p then
- atkarray[i],atkarray[j]=atkarray[j],atkarray[i]
- elseif atkarray[i].p==atkarray[j].p then
- if math.random(2)==1 then
- atkarray[i],atkarray[j]=atkarray[j],atkarray[i]
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for i=2,num do
- if atkarray[i].patkarray[1].p-15 then
- num=i-1
- break;
- end
- end
- if num6 then
- for i=num,6 do
- if atkarray[i].patkarray[1].p-50 then
- num=i-1
- break
- end
- end
- end
- local endtime=starttime+100-lib.GetTime()
- if endtime0 then
- lib.Delay(endtime)
- end
- local select
- --if num3 then num=3 end
- select=1--math.random(num)
- War_CalMoveStep(WAR.CurID,WAR.Person[WAR.CurID][移动步数],0)
- War_MovePerson(atkarray[select].x,atkarray[select].y)
- WAR.Person[WAR.CurID][Action]={'atk',kfid,atkarray[select].ax-atkarray[select].x,atkarray[select].ay-atkarray[select].y}
- War_Fight_Sub(WAR.CurID,kfid,atkarray[select].ax,atkarray[select].ay)
- else
- local endtime=starttime+100-lib.GetTime()
- if endtime0 then
- lib.Delay(endtime)
- end
- local jl,nx,ny=War_realjl()
- if jl==-1 then
- AutoMove()
- else
- local vv
- vv=GetWarMap(nx+1,ny,2)
- if vv-1 and WAR.Person[vv][我方]~=WAR.Person[WAR.CurID][我方] then
- else
- vv=GetWarMap(nx-1,ny,2)
- if vv-1 and WAR.Person[vv][我方]~=WAR.Person[WAR.CurID][我方] then
- else
- vv=GetWarMap(nx,ny+1,2)
- if vv-1 and WAR.Person[vv][我方]~=WAR.Person[WAR.CurID][我方] then
- else
- vv=GetWarMap(nx,ny-1,2)
- end
- end
- end
- local array={}
- local an=0
- local movearray=War_CalMoveStep(WAR.CurID,WAR.Person[WAR.CurID][移动步数],0)
- --MY_CalMoveStep(nx,ny,jl,0)
- War_CalMoveStep(vv,jl,0)
- for i=1,WAR.Person[WAR.CurID][移动步数] do
- local step_num=movearray[i].num ;
- if step_num==nil or step_num==0 then
- break;
- end
- for j=1,step_num do
- local xx=movearray[i].x[j]
- local yy=movearray[i].y[j]
- local Dest=GetWarMap(xx,yy,3)
- if Dest255 then
- an=an+1
- array[an]={}
- array[an].x=xx
- array[an].y=yy
- array[an].p=jl-Dest
- --lib.Debug(an..','..array[an].p)
- end
- end
- end
- for i=1,an-1 do
- for j=i+1,an do
- if array[i].parray[j].p then
- array[i],array[j]=array[j],array[i]
- end
- end
- end
- for i=2,an do
- if array[i].parray[1].p/2 then
- an=i-1
- break
- end
- end
- for i=1,an do
- array[i].p=array[i].p+GetMovePoint(array[i].x,array[i].y)
- end
- for i=1,an-1 do
- for j=i+1,an do
- if array[i].parray[j].p then
- array[i],array[j]=array[j],array[i]
- end
- end
- end
- --if jl==-1 then
- -- AutoMove()
- --else
- if an0 then
- War_CalMoveStep(WAR.CurID,WAR.Person[WAR.CurID][移动步数],0)
- War_MovePerson(array[1].x,array[1].y)
- else
- AutoMove()
- end
- --end
- --AutoMove()
- end
- War_RestMenu();
- end
- return
- end
- function GetAtkNum(x,y,movfw,atkfw,atk)
- local point={} --记录可以攻击的点
- local num=0 --记录点的个数
- local kind,len=movfw[1],movfw[2]
- --kind,len1,len2=fenjie(JY.Wugong[kfnum][范围..math.modf((lv+2)/3)])
- --攻击范围类型 0菱形1方块2十字3八向
- if kind==0 then
- local array=MY_CalMoveStep(x,y,len,1);
- for i=0,len do
- local step_num=array[i].num ;
- if step_num==nil or step_num==0 then
- break;
- end
- for j=1,step_num do
- num=num+1
- point[num]={array[i].x[j],array[i].y[j]}
- end
- end
- elseif kind==1 then
- local array=MY_CalMoveStep(x,y,len*2,1);
- for r=1,len*2 do
- for i=0,r do
- local j=r-i
- if ilen or jlen then
- SetWarMap(x+i,y+j,3,255)
- SetWarMap(x+i,y-j,3,255)
- SetWarMap(x-i,y+j,3,255)
- SetWarMap(x-i,y-j,3,255)
- end
- end
- end
- for i=0,len do
- local step_num=array[i].num ;
- if step_num==nil or step_num==0 then
- break;
- end
- for j=1,step_num do
- if GetWarMap(array[i].x[j],array[i].y[j],3)128 then
- num=num+1
- point[num]={array[i].x[j],array[i].y[j]}
- end
- end
- end
- elseif kind==2 then
- --四向
- len=len or 1
- for i=1,len do
- if x+iCC.WarWidth-1 and GetWarMap(x+i,y,1)0 and CC.WarWater[GetWarMap(x+i,y,0)]==nil then break end
- num=num+1
- point[num]={x+i,y}
- end
- for i=1,len do
- if x-i0 and GetWarMap(x-i,y,1)0 and CC.WarWater[GetWarMap(x-i,y,0)]==nil then break end
- num=num+1
- point[num]={x-i,y}
- end
- for i=1,len do
- if y+iCC.WarHeight-1 and GetWarMap(x,y+i,1)0 and CC.WarWater[GetWarMap(x,y+i,0)]==nil then break end
- num=num+1
- point[num]={x,y+i}
- end
- for i=1,len do
- if y-i0 and GetWarMap(x,y-i,1)0 and CC.WarWater[GetWarMap(x,y-i,0)]==nil then break end
- num=num+1
- point[num]={x,y-i}
- end
- elseif kind==3 then
- --八向(方块)
- if x+1CC.WarWidth-1 and GetWarMap(x+1,y,1)==0 and CC.WarWater[GetWarMap(x+1,y,0)]==nil then
- num=num+1
- point[num]={x+1,y}
- end
- if x-10 and GetWarMap(x-1,y,1)==0 and CC.WarWater[GetWarMap(x-1,y,0)]==nil then
- num=num+1
- point[num]={x-1,y}
- end
- if y+1CC.WarHeight-1 and GetWarMap(x,y+1,1)==0 and CC.WarWater[GetWarMap(x,y+1,0)]==nil then
- num=num+1
- point[num]={x,y+1}
- end
- if y-10 and GetWarMap(x,y-1,1)==0 and CC.WarWater[GetWarMap(x,y-1,0)]==nil then
- num=num+1
- point[num]={x,y-1}
- end
- if x+1CC.WarWidth-1 and y+1CC.WarHeight-1 and GetWarMap(x+1,y+1,1)==0 and CC.WarWater[GetWarMap(x+1,y+1,0)]==nil then
- num=num+1
- point[num]={x+1,y+1}
- end
- ifx-10 and y+1CC.WarHeight-1 and GetWarMap(x-1,y+1,1)==0 and CC.WarWater[GetWarMap(x-1,y+1,0)]==nil then
- num=num+1
- point[num]={x-1,y+1}
- end
- if x+1CC.WarWidth-1 and y-10 and GetWarMap(x+1,y-1,1)==0 and CC.WarWater[GetWarMap(x+1,y-1,0)]==nil then
- num=num+1
- point[num]={x+1,y-1}
- end
- ifx-10 andy-10 and GetWarMap(x-1,y-1,1)==0 and CC.WarWater[GetWarMap(x-1,y-1,0)]==nil then
- num=num+1
- point[num]={x-1,y-1}
- end
- end
- --从第一个点开始,分别获取该点攻击敌人的数目,并保存最大点的坐标,攻击数目
- local maxx,maxy,maxnum,atknum=0,0,0,0
- for i=1,num do
- atknum=GetWarMap(point[i][1],point[i][2],4) --取第四层数据,若为-1,则调用函数计算
- if atknum==-1 or atkfw[1]9 then --如果不是定点类,则必须重复计算
- atknum=WarDrawAtt(point[i][1],point[i][2],atkfw,2,x,y,atk)
- if atknum0 then
- atknum=atknum+i;
- end
- SetWarMap(point[i][1],point[i][2],4,atknum)
- end
- if atknummaxnum then
- maxnum,maxx,maxy=atknum,point[i][1],point[i][2]
- end
- end
- --SetWarMap(x,y,4,maxnum);
- return maxnum,maxx,maxy;
- end
- function AutoMove()
- local x,y;
- local minDest=math.huge;
- local enemyid=War_AutoSelectEnemy() --选择最近敌人
- War_CalMoveStep(WAR.CurID,100,0); --计算移动步数 假设最大100步
- for i=0,CC.WarWidth-1 do
- for j=0,CC.WarHeight-1 do
- local dest=GetWarMap(i,j,3);
- if dest 128 then
- local dx=math.abs(i-WAR.Person[enemyid][坐标X])
- local dy=math.abs(j-WAR.Person[enemyid][坐标Y])
- if minDest(dx+dy) then --此时x,y是距离敌人的最短路径,虽然可能被围住
- minDest=dx+dy;
- x=i;
- y=j;
- elseif minDest==(dx+dy) then
- if Rnd(2)==0 then
- x=i;
- y=j;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if minDestmath.huge then --有路可走
- while true do --从目的位置反着找到可以移动的位置,作为移动的次序
- local i=GetWarMap(x,y,3);
- if i=WAR.Person[WAR.CurID][移动步数] then
- break;
- end
- if GetWarMap(x-1,y,3)==i-1 then
- x=x-1;
- elseif GetWarMap(x+1,y,3)==i-1 then
- x=x+1;
- elseif GetWarMap(x,y-1,3)==i-1 then
- y=y-1;
- elseif GetWarMap(x,y+1,3)==i-1 then
- y=y+1;
- end
- end
- War_MovePerson(x,y); --移动到相应的位置
- end
- end
- function AutoMove11()
- local movearray=War_CalMoveStep(WAR.CurID,WAR.Person[WAR.CurID][移动步数],0)
- local p,tx,ty=-999,0,0
- for i=1,WAR.Person[WAR.CurID][移动步数] do
- local step_num=movearray[i].num ;
- if step_num==nil or step_num==0 then
- break;
- end
- for j=1,step_num do
- local xx=movearray[i].x[j]
- local yy=movearray[i].y[j]
- local len=-2*War_realjl()+GetMovePoint(xx,yy)
- if lenp then
- p=len
- tx=xx
- ty=yy
- end
- end
- end
- War_CalMoveStep(WAR.CurID,WAR.Person[WAR.CurID][移动步数],0)
- War_MovePerson(tx,ty); --移动到相应的位置
- end
- function GetMovePoint(x,y,flag)
- local point=0
- local wofang=WAR.Person[WAR.CurID][我方]
- local movearray=MY_CalMoveStep(x,y,9,1)
- for i=1,9 do
- local step_num=movearray[i].num;
- if step_num==nil or step_num==0 then
- break;
- end
- for j=1,step_num do
- local xx=movearray[i].x[j]
- local yy=movearray[i].y[j]
- local v=GetWarMap(xx,yy,2)
- if v==-1 or v==WAR.CurID then
- --point=point+10
- elseif WAR.Person[v][我方]==wofang then
- point=point+i*2-19
- elseif WAR.Person[v][我方]~=wofang then
- --local qg=math.modf(WAR.PersonNum/2)-WAR.CurID
- if flag~=nil then
- point=point+i-10
- else
- if not inteam(WAR.Person[WAR.CurID][人物编号]) then--WAR.Person[WAR.CudID][我方] then
- point=point+10-i--+i-10
- else
- point=point+10-i
- end
- --point=point+8
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return point
- end
- function MY_CalMoveStep(x,y,stepmax,flag)
- CleanWarMap(3,255); --第三层坐标用来设置移动,先都设为255,
- local steparray={}; --用数组保存第n步的坐标。
- for i=0,stepmax do
- steparray[i]={};
- steparray[i].bushu={};
- steparray[i].x={};
- steparray[i].y={};
- end
- SetWarMap(x,y,3,0);
- steparray[0].num=1;
- steparray[0].bushu[1]=stepmax; --还能移动的步数
- steparray[0].x[1]=x;
- steparray[0].y[1]=y;
- War_FindNextStep(steparray,0,flag);
- return steparray;
- end
- function MY_realjl(ida,idb)
- if ida==nil then
- ida=WAR.CurID
- end
- local num
- local movearray=War_CalMoveStep(ida,255,0)
- for i=1,255 do
- num=i
- lib.Debug(i)
- local step_num=movearray[i].num ;
- if step_num==nil or step_num==0 then
- break;
- end
- for j=1,step_num do
- local xx=movearray[i].x[j]
- local yy=movearray[i].y[j]
- local v=GetWarMap(xx,yy,2)
- --lib.Debug(xx..','..yy..'|'..v)
- if idb==nil then
- if v~=-1 then
- if WAR.Person[v][我方]~=WAR.Person[ida][我方] then
- --lib.Debug(i..','..xx..','..yy)
- return v,num--,xx,yy
- end
- end
- else
- if v==idb then
- return v,num--,xx,yy
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
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