Monkey King
Medium-Size Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 20d10+100(210hp)
Initiative: Always wins initiative
Speed: Instantaneous, fly instantaneous
AC: 35(+9 Dexterity, +4 natural, +12 phoenix armor)
Flat-footed AC:26, touch AC:19
Attacks: Iron rod +27/+22/+17/+12 melee, fist +27/+22 melee
Damage: 1d1000 rod, 2d12+9 fist
Face/Reach: 5ft. by 5ft/line of sight
Extraordinary Abilities: Selective damage, 72 Secret Transformation, Monkey hairs
Special Qualities: Instantaneous movement
Saves: Fort+27, Ref+31, Will+21
Ablilities: Str29, Dex29, Con20, Int27, Wis8, Cha26
Skills: Balance+19, Bluff+35, Escape Artise+42, Hnadle Animal+19, Hide+35, Knowledge(arcana)+24, Knowledge(history)+24, Knowledge(nature)+24, Knowledge(nobility and royalty)+24, Knowledge(the planes)+24, Knowledge(religion)+24, Listen+34, Move Silently+37, Pick Pocket+30, Scry+28, Sense Motive+25, Spot+32, Tumble+42
Feats: Alterness, Ambidexterity, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Expertise, Improved Trip, Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Improved Unarmed Strike, Leadership(monkeys), Mobility, Quick Draw, Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack
Climate/Terrain: Any land
Organization: Unique
Challenge Rating: No hope
Treasure: Only magic
Alignment: Chaotic netural
Selective Damage: Monkey's preferred weapon, the Iron Ballast Rod, once used to keep the oceans calm is immensely large and heavy. However, through his magic. Monkey can shrink the rod to the size of a pin, and often carries it tucked behind his ear.He can cause it to grow to any legth on command, even reaching to the Celestial Palace, and no matter its size he wields it as if it was a light staff. However, the rod is so heavy no other can pick it up. With it he can choose to do any amount of damage from 1 to 1000 points.
The 72 Secret Transformation: Monkey learned these mystical changes as part of his transcendence to immortality. In gameplay this means he can turn into any creature or object at will, regardless of nature or size.
Monkey Hairs: Monkey can pluck hairs from his fur and throw them into the air, whereupon they are transformed into his fellow monkeys (all powerful warriors armed with weapons stolen from the Celestial Palace and Hell). He can also use the same technique to creat animated swords and shields, anywhere from 1 to 1000 which all strike at equal to himself. There are some of powers he used to fight the gods.
Instantaneous Movement: Monkey often fights while flying on a golden cloud that can move him anywhere at near instantaneous speeds, magic he learned from the Immortal Sages. When he does not have the cloud, he can still somersault through the sky for thousands of leagues. In short, he suffers no penalities withdraw from combat (unless face by another being of similar skills), always has initiative when he wants it and can move to any point in a battle in a blink of the eye. Mortals battling the Monkey King are doomed to lose |