这样不会跳出一些基础效果也有,但是还差什么我也不知道- --JY.Person[9]["轻功"] = 500;
- --instruct_35(9,3,108,999)
- --instruct_35(9,0,106,999)
- function War_DIY_Fight(id, wugong, level, ng)
- local pid = WAR.Person[id]["人物编号"];
- local Ppoison = JY.Person[pid]["中毒程度"];
- local Phurt = JY.Person[pid]["受伤程度"];
- local jipo = GetS(5,5,6,5)-2;
- if jipo>500 then jipo = 500
- end
- WAR.tmp[1987]=Ppoison;
- WAR.tmp[1988]=Phurt;
- WAR.tmp[1989]=0; --杀死敌人数
- if wugong ==106 and level==999 and pid==9
- then
- if WAR.LQZ[9]==100 or Ppoison>=math.floor(50+(jipo/10)) then
- WAR.WS=1;
- WAR.tmp[1986]=106;
- JY.Person[pid]["中毒程度"]=0;
- --JY.Person[pid]["受伤程度"]=0;
- ng=(ng + 750)*(1+Ppoison/100);
- for i=0,5 do
- for j=0,5 do
- SetWarMap(WAR.Person[WAR.CurID]["坐标X"]+i,WAR.Person[WAR.CurID]["坐标Y"]+j,4,1)
- SetWarMap(WAR.Person[WAR.CurID]["坐标X"]-i,WAR.Person[WAR.CurID]["坐标Y"]+j,4,1)
- SetWarMap(WAR.Person[WAR.CurID]["坐标X"]+i,WAR.Person[WAR.CurID]["坐标Y"]-j,4,1)
- SetWarMap(WAR.Person[WAR.CurID]["坐标X"]-i,WAR.Person[WAR.CurID]["坐标Y"]-j,4,1)
- end
- end
- if WAR.Person[id]["特效文字1"]== nil
- then WAR.Person[id]["特效文字1"]="九阳极意——炎阳天翔"
- else WAR.Person[id]["特效文字1"]="九阳极意——炎阳天翔 + "..WAR.Person[id]["特效文字1"]
- end
- else
- JY.Person[pid]["中毒程度"]=JY.Person[pid]["中毒程度"]+math.floor((jipo+500)/40);
- WAR.tmp[1986]=106;
- end
- end
- return ng;
- end
- function War_DIY_WugongHurtLife(enemyid, wugong, hurt, ang, dng)
- local pid = WAR.Person[WAR.CurID]["人物编号"];
- local eid = WAR.Person[enemyid]["人物编号"];
- local Ppoison = WAR.tmp[1987];
- local Phurt = WAR.tmp[1988];
- if eid==0 and WAR.tmp[1985]==true and math.random(10)<=3+math.floor(JY.Person[eid]["中毒程度"]/25) then
- dng=dng+500+20*JY.Person[eid]["中毒程度"];
- if WAR.LQZ[eid]==nil
- then
- WAR.LQZ[eid]=10;
- else
- WAR.LQZ[eid]=WAR.LQZ[eid]+10;
- if WAR.LQZ[eid]>100 then WAR.LQZ[eid]=100
- end
- end
- if WAR.Person[enemyid]["特效文字2"]== nil
- then WAR.Person[enemyid]["特效文字2"]="九阳极意——极阳归元"
- else WAR.Person[enemyid]["特效文字2"]="九阳极意——极阳归元 + "..WAR.Person[enemyid]["特效文字2"]
- end
- WAR.Person[enemyid]["特效动画"]=7;
- --WAR.tmp[1990]=enemyid; --反击的实现
- --WAR.tmp[1991]=WAR.CurID;
- end
- if pid==9 and wugong==106 and WAR.tmp[1986]==106 then
- --WAR.WS=1;
- JY.Person[eid]["中毒程度"]=JY.Person[eid]["中毒程度"]+Ppoison;
- --JY.Person[eid]["受伤程度"]=JY.Person[eid]["受伤程度"]+Phurt;
- hurt = math.floor(hurt*(1+Ppoison/150)) + JY.Person[eid]["中毒程度"]*2;
- if hurt >=JY.Person[eid]["生命"] then
- WAR.tmp[1989]=WAR.tmp[1989]+1;
- JY.Person[9]["中毒程度"]=JY.Person[9]["中毒程度"]+20;
- for i=0,WAR.PersonNum-1 do
- if WAR.Person[i]["死亡"]~=true and WAR.Person[i]["我方"]~=true then
- if WAR.Person[i]["Time"]>=-400 then WAR.Person[i]["Time"]=WAR.Person[i]["Time"]-100;
- else WAR.Person[i]["Time"]=-500;
- end
- JY.Person[WAR.Person[i]["人物编号"]]["中毒程度"]=JY.Person[WAR.Person[i]["人物编号"]]["中毒程度"]+20;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return hurt, ang, dng;
- end
- function drawname(x,y,name,size)
- x=x-math.modf(size/2)
- local namelen=string.len(name)/2
- local zi={}
- for i=1,namelen do
- zi=string.sub(name,i*2-1,i*2)
- DrawString(x,y,zi,C_WHITE,size)
- y=y+size
- end
- local f = true
- local zhangwuji = 0
- local Ppoison = JY.Person[9]["中毒程度"];
- local Phurt = JY.Person[9]["受伤程度"];
- local jipo = GetS(5,5,6,5)-2;
- local EnemyCount=0;
- if jipo>500 then
- jipo = 500
- end
- --找主角id,排除杀集气,为时序效果准备
- for i=0,WAR.PersonNum-1 do
- if JY.Person[WAR.Person[i]["人物编号"]]["生命"]>0 and WAR.Person[i]["我方"]~=true then
- EnemyCount=EnemyCount+1;
- end
- if WAR.Person[i]["人物编号"]==9 then
- zhangwuji=i;
- end
- if WAR.Person[i]["TimeAdd"] <= 0 and WAR.Person[i]["人物编号"]~=446 and WAR.Person[i]["人物编号"]~= 445 and WAR.Person[i]["死亡"]~=true then
- f = false
- end
- end
- --[[九阳极意持续触发判定 暂不使用
- if WAR.LQZ[0]==100 or (Ppoison+Phurt)>=math.floor(50+(jipo/10)) then
- WAR.tmp[1986]=106;
- elseif WAR.Person[zhangwuji]["Time"]<1000 then WAR.tmp[1986]=0;
- end]]
- --九阳判断
- local jiuyang=false
- for k=1,10 do
- if JY.Person[9]["武功"..k]==106 then
- if JY.Person[9]["武功等级" .. k]==999 then
- jiuyang=true
- end
- break;
- end
- end
- WAR.tmp[1985]=jiuyang;
- --九阳回内
- if jiuyang==true and f==true and name==JY.Person[9]["姓名"] then
- --九阳回血太淫霸 JY.Person[9]["生命"]=JY.Person[9]["生命"]+math.floor(JY.Person[9]["中毒程度"]/10);
- if JY.Person[9]["内力"]<JY.Person[9]["内力最大值"] then
- JY.Person[9]["内力"]=JY.Person[9]["内力"]+math.floor(JY.Person[9]["中毒程度"]/10);
- elseif JY.Person[9]["内力"]>JY.Person[9]["内力最大值"] then
- JY.Person[9]["内力"]=JY.Person[9]["内力最大值"];
- end
- --中毒加速 越毒越猛
- if WAR.Person[zhangwuji]["Time"]<1000 and JY.Person[9]["中毒程度"]>0 then
- WAR.Person[zhangwuji]["Time"]=WAR.Person[zhangwuji]["Time"]+math.floor(JY.Person[9]["中毒程度"]/10);
- elseif WAR.Person[zhangwuji]["Time"]>1010 then
- WAR.Person[zhangwuji]["Time"]=1010;
- end
- end
- --特性 天炎焚身 敌人全灭后不触发
- if jiuyang and WAR.tmp[1989]~=nil and WAR.tmp[1989]>0 and EnemyCount>0 then
- local yinbao="极意——天炎焚身"..tostring(WAR.tmp[1989]).."人";
- DrawStrBoxWaitKey(yinbao,C_GOLD,CC.Fontbig);
- if WAR.Person[zhangwuji]["Time"]<1000 then
- WAR.Person[zhangwuji]["Time"]=WAR.Person[zhangwuji]["Time"]+WAR.tmp[1989]*100;
- WAR.tmp[1989]=0;
- if WAR.Person[zhangwuji]["Time"]>1010 then
- WAR.Person[zhangwuji]["Time"]=1010;
- end
- end
- end
- end