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#ALIAS {逍遥} {#8 s;#2 e;s;#2 w}
#ALIAS {逍遥/} {#4 e;n;w;#8 n}
#ALIAS {大理} {n;e;e;give 1 silver to ma fu;ridedl;e;n;e;n}
#ALIAS {大理/} {s;w;s;w;give 1 silver to ma fu;rideyz;w;w;s}
#ALIAS {星宿} {n;e;e;give 1 silver to ma fu;rideyl;s;se;wu;n;nd}
#ALIAS {星宿/} {su;s;ed;nw;n;yz;w;w;s}
#ALIAS {苏州} {n;e;e;give 1 silver to ma fu;ridesz;e;s}
#ALIAS {苏州/} {n;w;give 1 silver to ma fu;ridesz;w;w;s}
#ALIAS {武当} {#8 s;w;nw;w;sw;w;se;s;w;w;wu}
#ALIAS {武当/} {ed;e;e;n;nw;e;ne;e;se;e;#8 n}
#ALIAS {成都} {#8 s;w;nw;w;sw;w;sw;sw;w;s;w;sw;#6 w}
#ALIAS {成都/} {#6 e;ne;e;n;e;ne;ne;e;ne;e;se;e;#8 n}
#ALIAS {全真} {#9 w;nw;#22 w;#wa 2000;ne;eu;se;eu;n;#3 nu;#2 wu;nu;nu;n;w;nw;n;#wa 2000;#5 nu;se;eu;su;e;eu}
#ALIAS {全真/} {wd;w;nd;wd;nw;#5 sd;#wa 2000;s;se;e;s;sd;sd;#2 ed;#3 sd;s;wd;nw;wd;sw;#wa 2000;#22 e;se;#9 e}
#ALIAS {雪山} {#8 s;w;nw;w;sw;w;sw;sw;w;s;w;sw;#6 w;#6 s;#wait 2000;#2 wu;nd;wu;wu;s;wu}
#ALIAS {雪山/} {ed;n;ed;ed;su;#2 ed;#wait 2000;#6 n;#6 e;ne;e;n;e;ne;ne;e;ne;e;se;e;#8 n}
#ALIAS {武功} {#9 w;nw;#20 w}
#ALIAS {武功/} {#20 e;se;#9 e}
#ALIAS {汝州/} {#8 s;dujiang;#wa 1000;#8 s}
#ALIAS {少林} {enter dong;say 天堂有路你不走呀;d;3;ne;ne;u;sw;e;sd;e;nu;nu;wu;nu;nu;nu;e;eu;nu;nu;nu;n }
#ALIAS {少林/} {s;#3 sd;wd;w;w;#3 sd;ed;#2 sd;e;s;eu;ed;s;s;s;su;sd;s;e;e;give 1 silver to ma fu;rideyz;w;w;s}
#ALIAS {襄阳} {#8 s;w;#8 n}
#ALIAS {襄阳/} {#8 s;e;#8 n}
#ALIAS {华山} {#9 w;nw;#13 w;#2 n;nw;#6 n;#5 e}
#ALIAS {华山/} {#5 w;#6 s;se;#2 s;#13 e;se;#9 e}
#ALIAS {古墓} {#9 w;nw;#22 w;ne;eu;se;eu;#wa 2000;n;#3 nu;#2 wu;n;w;nw;n;#3 nu;wu;wu;nu;#2 wu;su;eu;#2 sd;s;s;su; #2 sw;s;s;move shi;s;s;s}
#ALIAS {古墓/} {s;tang coffin;niu lock;e;s;s;s;e;out}
#ALIAS {神龙岛} {#8 n;dujiang;#9 n;#wa 1000;nw;nw;#3 n;ne;e;e;e;#3 ne;e;e;ne;#6 e;ask chuanfu about 出海;give chuanfu 1 gold;#wait 12000;n;kan bush;n;n;e;n;n;n}
#ALIAS {神龙岛/} {#3 n;w;s}
#ALIAS {天龙寺} {n;e;e;1s;ridedl;e;n;e;#5 n;nw;n;ne;e}
#ALIAS {天龙寺/} {w;sw;s;se;#5 s;w;s;w;yz;w;w;s}
#ALIAS {明教} {n;e;e;give 1 silver to ma fu;rideyl;s;se;se;e;se;w;#wa 1000;#5 w;n;w;n;w;w;w;w }
#ALIAS {明教/} {#4 e;#2 s;#5 e;nw;w;nw;nw;n;1s;rideyz;w;w;s}
#ALIAS {昆仑} {n;e;e;give 1 silver to ma fu;rideyl;s;se;se;e;se;w;#wa 1000;#5 w;n;w;n;w;wu;w;w;wu;su;w;nw;w;nu;eu;#3 su;#6 s;su}
#ALIAS {昆仑/} {nd;#6 n;#3 nd;wd;sd;e;se;e;nd;ed;e;e;ed;e;s;e;s;e;s;#6 e;w;w;nw;w;nw;nw;n;give 1 silver to ma fu;rideyz;w;w;s}
#ALIAS {铁掌} {#8 s;w;n;sd;sw;s;sw;sw;w;nw;nu}
#ALIAS {铁掌/} {sd;se;e;ne;ne;n;ne;nu;s;e;#8 n}
#ALIAS {娥眉} {n;e;e;give 1 silver to ma fu;rideem;give 1 silver to ma fu;rideem;s }
#ALIAS {娥眉/} {n;give 1 silver to ma fu;rideem;give 1 silver to ma fu;rideyz;w;w;s }
#ALIAS {灵鹫宫} {n;e;e;give 1 silver to ma fu;rideyl;s;se;wu;n;nu;wu;wu;nu;zou tiesuo;eu;n;n}
#ALIAS {白陀} {n;e;e;give 1 silver to ma fu;rideyl;s;se;wu;n;nd;s;s}
#ALIAS {白陀/} {n;n;su;s;ed;nw;n;give 1 silver to ma fu;rideyz;w;w;s}
#ALIAS {桃花岛} {#10 e;s;s;#3 e;ask chuanfu about 出海;give chuanfu 1 gold}
#ALIAS {桃花岛/} {#7 s;w;s}
#ALIAS {日月} {n;e;e;give 1 silver to ma fu;ridebj;w;w;n;#4 w;se;w;w;sw;w;w;w;n;wd;dujiang;#6 wu }
#ALIAS {日月/} {#6 ed;dujiang;eu;s;e;e;e;ne;e;e;nw;#4 e;s;e;e;yz;w;w;s }
#ALIAS {云龙} {n;e;e;give 1 silver to ma fu;ridebj;w;w;n;w;s;w;knock floor 3;enter hole;#3 n;w;n;e;n;n}
#ALIAS {云龙/} {n;e;n;e;e;1s;rideyz;w;w;s}
#ALIAS {泉州} {n;e;e;give 1 silver to ma fu;ridefs;n;n;#5 e;ne;ne;ne;e;e;e}
#ALIAS {泉州/} {w;w;w;sw;sw;sw;#5 w;s;s;give 1 silver to ma fu;rideyz;w;w;s}
#ALIAS {青城} {#8 s;w;nw;w;sw;w;sw;sw;w;s;w;sw;#6 w;#6 n;w;#3 n}
#ALIAS {青城/} {#3 s;e;#6 s;#6 e;ne;e;n;e;ne;ne;e;ne;e;se;e;#8 n}
#ALIAS {衡山} {#8 s;su;se;sw;w}
#ALIAS {衡山/} {e;ne;nw;nd;#8 n}
#ALIAS {嵩山} {#8 n;dujiang;#3 n;#4 w;nw;nw;#6 n;#wa 2000;#6 n;nd;nd;#3 n;nu;nd;#3 n;wu;wd;n}
#ALIAS {嵩山/} {s;eu;ed;#3 s;su;sd;#3 s;su;su;#6 s;#wa 2000;#6 s;se;se;#4 e;#3 s;dujiang;#8 s}
#ALIAS {恒山} {n;e;e;give 1 silver to ma fu;ridebj;w;w;s;s;s;se;sw;se}
#ALIAS {恒山/} {nw;ne;nw;n;n;n;e;e;give 1 silver to ma fu;rideyz;w;w;s}
#ALIAS {泰山} {#10 e;ne;n;n;n}
#ALIAS {泰山/} {s;s;s;sw;#10 w}
#ALIAS {归云庄} {#4 s;#4 e;se;se;se;e;s;s}
#ALIAS {归云庄/} {n;n;w;nw;nw;nw;#4 w;#4 n}
#ALIAS {万劫谷} {n;e;e;give 1 silver to ma fu;ridedl;e;n;e;#8 n;nw;nd;w}
#ALIAS {万劫谷/} {e;su;se;#8 s;w;s;w;give 1 silver to ma fu;rideyz;w;w;s}
#ALIAS {梅庄} {n;e;e;give 1 silver to ma fu;ridehz;w;w;n;n;n;n;sw;w;sw;w;wu;n;n;knock 4;knock 2;knock 5;knock 3;n}
#ALIAS {梅庄/} {open gate;s;s;s;ed;e;ne;e;ne;#4 s;e;e;1s;rideyz;w;w;s}
#ALIAS {大理-昆明} {#7 n;ne;ne;#6 e}
#ALIAS {荆州} {#6 w;sw;#2 w;nw;#wa 2000;#2 wu;wd;sw;#9 w}
#ALIAS {荆州/} {#9 e;ne;eu;#2 ed;#wa 2000;se;#2 e;ne;#6 e}
#ALIAS {蒙古} {n;e;e;bj;w;w;n;w;w;#4 n;nu;#4 n}
#ALIAS {蒙古/} {#4 s;sd;#4 s;e;e;s;e;e;1s;rideyz;w;w;s}
#ALIAS {回族} {n;e;e;give 1 silver to ma fu;rideyl;s;se;se;e;se;e;e;n;n;#wa 2000;w;nw;sw;sw;w;sw;w;w;nu;wu;n;n;nw;w}
#ALIAS {回族/} {e;se;#2 s;ed;sd;wu;e;e;e;w;w;nw;w;nw;nw;n;1s;rideyz;w;w;s}
#ALIAS {燕京} {n;e;e;give 1 silver to ma fu;ridebj;give 1 silver to ma fu;rideht;#wa 2000;e;s;s;s;e;#4 ne;#8 n}
#ALIAS {燕京/} {#8 s;#4 sw;w;n;n;n;w;#wa 2000;give 1 silver to ma fu;ridebj;give 1 silver to ma fu;rideyz;w;w;s}
#ALIAS {血刀} {#8 s;w;nw;w;sw;w;sw;sw;w;s;w;sw;#wa 2000;#6 w;#6 s;wu;wu;nd;su;wu;wu;su;wu;su;n;su;e;enter}
#ALIAS {血刀/} {midao;w;s}
#ALIAS {侠客岛} {n;e;e;give 1 silver to ma fu;ridefs;n;n;w;s;s;s;s;e;give 5 gold to yu fu;w;w;give e pai to shi zhe;give shan pai to shi zhe;#wa 10000;s;s;s;e;se;w;nw;e;s;s;s}
#ALIAS {慕容} {n;e;e;give 1 silver to ma fu;ridesz;e;#6 s;sw;e;e;se;s}
#ALIAS {慕容/} {n;nw;w;w;ne;#6 n;w;give 1 silver to ma fu;rideyz;w;w;s}
#ALIAS {凌霄} {#8 s;w;nw;w;sw;w;sw;sw;w;s;w;sw;#6 w;#wa 2000;#6 s;nw;wu;nu;nu;eu;nu;nu;n;nu;u;u;open bridge;n}
#ALIAS {凌霄/} {open bridge;s;d;d;sd;s;sd;sd;wd;sd;sd;ed;se;#6 n;e;n;n;1s;rideyz;w;w;s}
#ALIAS {冰火岛} {#8 n;dujiang;#9 n;#wa 1000;nw;nw;#3 n;ne;e;e;e;#3 ne;e;e;ne;#6 e;ask guai chuanfu about 出海;give 1 gold to guai chuanfu}
#ALIAS {开封} {#8 n;dujiang;#3 n;#4 w;nw;nw;#6 n}
#ALIAS {开封/} {#6 s;se;se;#4 e;#3 s;dujiang;#8 s}

#ALIAS {五毒/} {#4 w;wd;wd;w;nw;#6 w;#2 s;#2 w;1s;rideyz;w;w;s}
#ALIAS {灵州} {n;e;e;give 1 silver to ma fu;rideyd;#wa 1000;give 1 silver to ma fu;ridelz;w;w;n}
#ALIAS {灵州/} {s;e;e;give 1 silver to ma fu;rideyd;#wa 1000;give 1 silver to ma fu;rideyz;w;w;s}
#ALIAS {绝情谷} {#8 s;w;#8 n;#wa 2000;e;e;#3 n;w;w;#3 n;w;#3 s;wu;nu;nw;nw;n;look zhou;tiao zhou}

#ALIAS {武功镇} {n;e;e;give 1 silver to ma fu;ridedl;e;n;e;#5 s;sw;sw}
#ALIAS {武功镇/} {ne;ne;#5 n;w;s;w;give 1 silver to ma fu;rideyz;w;w;s}
#ALIAS {河西镇} {n;e;e;give 1 silver to ma fu;ridedl;e;n;e;#6 s;se;sw}
#ALIAS {河西镇/} {nw;nw;#6 n;w;s;w;give 1 silver to ma fu;rideyz;w;w;s}
#ALIAS {兰州} {#9 w;nw;#15 w;nw;#8 w;n;n;w;nw;nw;#6 n}
#ALIAS {兰州/} {#6 s;se;se;e;s;s;#8 e;se;#15 e;se;#9 e}
#ALIAS {洛阳} {#9 w;nw;#8 w}
#ALIAS {洛阳/} {#8 e;se;#9 e}
#ALIAS {长安} {#9 w;nw;#15 w;nw;#5 w}
#ALIAS {长安/} {#5 e;se;#15 e;se;#9 e}
#ALIAS {岳阳} {#8 s;w;nw;w;sw;w;se;se;#5 s;#5 s;w;#10 s;se;s;s;s;s}
#ALIAS {岳阳/} {n;n;n;n;nw;#10 n;e;#5 n;#5 n;nw;nw;e;ne;e;se;e;#8 n}
#ALIAS {高丽} {n;e;e;give 1 silver to ma fu;ridebj;give 1 silver to ma fu;rideht;#3 e;ne;e;n;give 1 gold to chuan fu;#wa 12000;ne;e;se;e;e;n;eu;nu;eu;eu;nw;ed;u;n;#3 n;se;sd;s}
#ALIAS {剑魔瀑布} {#8 s;w;nw;w;sw;w;se;se;#5 s;#5 s;w;#10 s;se;s;s;#2 s;se;#2 s;nw;wu;nu;wu;nd}
#ALIAS {江南农村} {#11 s;#5 e;s;su}
#ALIAS {江南农村/} {nd;n;#5 w;#11 n}
#ALIAS {北京/} {s;e;e;give 1 sivler to ma fu;rideyz;w;w;s}
#ALIAS {嘉峪关} {n;e;e;give 1 silver to ma fu;rideyl;s;se;se;e;se;e;e}
#ALIAS {嘉峪关/} {w;w;nw;w;nw;nw;n;give 1 silver to ma fu;rideyz;w;w;s}
#ALIAS {杭州飞来峰} {n;e;e;give 1 silver to ma fu;ridehz;w;w;sw;sw;w;w;w;sw;w;wu;wu;wu;w;wu;wu;#6 nd;sw;s}
#ALIAS {杭州飞来峰/} {n;ne;#6 su;ed;ed;e;ed;ed;ed;e;ne;e;e;e;ne;ne;e;e;give 1 silver to ma fu;rideyz;w;w;s}
#ALIAS {长城} {n;e;e;give 1 silver to ma fu;ridebj;w;w;n;w;w;#4 n;#3 e;#4 n}
#ALIAS {长城/} {#3 s;sd;#4 s;e;e;s;e;e;give 1 silver to ma fu;rideyz;w;w;s}
#ALIAS {无量山} {n;e;e;give 1 silver to ma fu;ridedl;e;n;e;#5 n;nw;n;nw;n;ne;su;#2 eu;#2 nu;wu;nu}
#ALIAS {无量山/} {sd;ed;#2 sd;#2 wd;nd;sw;s;se;s;se;#5 s;w;s;w;give 1 silver to ma fu;rideyz;w;w;s}
#ALIAS {阳宗镇} {n;e;e;give 1 silver to ma fu;ridedl;e;n;e;n;n;n;n;e;eu;e;ed;se;e;ed;e;e;eu;e;se;e;e;se;eu;ed}
#ALIAS {阳宗镇/} {wu;wd;nw;w;w;nw;w;wd;w;w;wu;w;nw;wu;w;wd;w;s;s;s;s;w;s;w;give 1 silver to ma fu;rideyz;w;w;s}
#ALIAS {西藏} {#8 s;w;nw;w;sw;w;sw;sw;w;s;w;sw;#6 w;#6 s;#2 wu;#2 n;ne;eu;w;#8 w}
#ALIAS {西藏/} {#8 e;e;wd;sw;#2 s;#2 ed;#6 n;#6 e;ne;e;n;e;ne;ne;e;ne;e;se;e;#8 n}
#ALIAS {镇雄} {n;e;e;give 1 silver to ma fu;ridedl;e;n;e;s;s;#3 w;nw;ne;n;wu;wd;wd;n}
#ALIAS {镇雄/} {s;eu;eu;ed;s;sw;se;#3 e;n;n;w;s;w;give 1 silver to ma fu;rideyz;w;w;s}
#ALIAS {唐门} {#6 w;sw;#2 w;nw;#2 wu;wd;sw;#9 w;#5 w;sw;#2 w;nw;w;#2 u;w;sd;e;open door;s;se;e;yell boat;enter}
#ALIAS {唐门/} {yell boat;enter;#wa 12000;w;nw;n;w;nu;e;d;d;e;se;e;e;ne;#5 e;#9 e;ne;eu;ed;ed;se;e;e;ne;#6 e}
#ALIAS {黄山} {#8 s;su;se;ne;nu;nu;nd;nu;nu;nu}
#ALIAS {黄山/} {sd;sd;sd;su;sd;sd;sw;nw;nd;#8 n}
#ALIAS {雁荡} {n;e;e;give 1 silver to ma fu;ridehz;w;w;sw;sw;w;w;w;#8 n;wu}
#ALIAS {雁荡/} {ed;#8 s;e;e;e;ne;ne;e;e;give 1 silver to ma fu;rideyz;w;w;s}
#ALIAS {无锡} {n;e;e;give 1 silver to ma fu;ridesz;e;#4 n;#7 w}

#ALIAS {江陵/} {#5 n;nw;nw;e;ne;e;se;e;#8 n}
#ALIAS {南少林} {n;e;e;give 1 silver to ma fu;ridefz;s;s;w;#5 s;w;w;nu;#4 n}
#ALIAS {南少林/} {#4 s;sd;e;e;#5 n;e;n;n;give 1 silver to ma fu;rideyz;w;w;s}
#ALIAS {剑魔} {#8 s;w;#8 n;#wa 2000;e;e;n;n;n;w;w;n;n;n;w;s;s;s;#4 wu}
#ALIAS {剑魔/} {#4 ed;n;n;n;e;s;s;s;e;e;s;s;s;w;w;#wa 2000;#8 s;e;#8 n}
#ALIAS {海南岛} {n;e;e;give 1 silver to ma fu;ridefz;s;s;w;#7 s;e;s;s}
#ALIAS {海南岛/} {n;n;w;#7 n;e;n;n;give 1 silver to ma fu;rideyz;w;w;s}
#ALIAS {金陵} {#8 s;w;nw;w;sw;w;se;se;#4 n}
#ALIAS {金陵/} {#4 s;nw;nw;e;ne;e;se;e;#8 n}
#ALIAS {武夷} {#10 e;se;#2 s;e;s;su;s;sd;su;s;sd;w}
#ALIAS {武夷/} {e;nu;n;nd;nu;n;nd;n;w;n;n;nw;#10 w}
#ALIAS {延平} {n;e;e;give 1 silver to ma fu;ridefz;s;s;#6 w;wu;#6 nw;n;wd;wu}
#ALIAS {延平/} {ed;eu;s;#6 se;ed;#6 e;n;n;give 1 silver to ma fu;rideyz;w;w;s}
#ALIAS {温家堡} {#10 e;s;s;e;s;s;e;ne;nu;n;climb tree;n}
#ALIAS {温家堡/} {s;open gate;s;s;sd;sw;w;n;n;w;n;n;#10 w}
#ALIAS {中州} {#8 w;s;dujiang;#wa 2000;#10 s}
#ALIAS {中州/} {#10 n;dujiang;#wa 2000;n;#8 e}
#ALIAS {南昌} {#8 e;#4 s;#2 se;w;sw;w;s;s;dujiang;#wa 2000;sw;#2 s;#2 sw;#3 s}
#ALIAS {南昌/} {#3 n;#2 ne;#2 n;ne;dujiang;#wa 2000;n;n;e;ne;e;#2 nw;#4 n;#8 w}
#ALIAS {长沙} {#8 s;su;se;sw;w;w;w;w;n;n;n;nw;#5 n}
#ALIAS {长沙/} {#5 s;se;s;s;s;e;e;e;e;ne;nw;nd;#8 n}
#ALIAS {迷宫} {#8 s;w;#5 n;e;buy tuzhu;#wa 2000;buy tuzhu;#wa 1000;w;n;n;n;e;e;n;n;n;w;w;n;n;n;w;s;s;s;wu;wu;wu;e;e;e}
#ALIAS {迷宫/} {w;w;w;ed;ed;ed;n;n;n;e;s;s;s;e;e;s;s;s;w;w;#8 s;e;#8 n}

[发帖际遇]: ghonist冒充青木堂主向反清份子征收活动经费,结果:骗得银两13.
发表于 2009-8-2 11:29 | 显示全部楼层
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-2 11:31 | 显示全部楼层

[发帖际遇]: ghonist暑假期间在洛阳绿竹巷参加《任盈盈琴箫兴趣班》,恭喜你学会了《笑傲江湖》,增加声望19。
发表于 2009-8-2 11:31 | 显示全部楼层
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
发表于 2009-8-2 11:40 | 显示全部楼层
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-2 11:48 | 显示全部楼层
他是玩家啊,云孤风(zhm) 你直接chat里面说,让他你就好了,他是老玩家

[发帖际遇]: ghonist偷得虚竹身上的美女图卷轴,被慕容复发现后遭痛殴,花去医药费银两29.
发表于 2009-8-2 12:06 | 显示全部楼层
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
发表于 2009-8-2 12:57 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-4-25 20:14 | 显示全部楼层





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